Our sessions will be:

  • Personalized

    Two-way Understanding: This isn't just about me knowing you, but also about you understanding our coaching philosophy, making for a successful partnership. I get to know your unique goals and challenges, enabling a personalized coaching plan.

  • Targeted

    I understand that lingering trauma can cast a large shadow over your life, holding you back from realizing your true potential and fulfilling the purpose God has bestowed upon you. I specialize in helping women like you tackle those limiting beliefs and mindset barriers head-on.

  • Integrative

    Offering a range of services, including life coaching, career development coaching, and executive leadership development, I strive to guide you at every step of your journey. My approach is deeply rooted in Christian values, and I believe that this holistic method can drive you towards healing and transformation.

I use a mindset coaching style. My approach is informed by an understanding of trauma, through becoming a certified trauma-informed coach, tailored to foster resilience. This approach enables you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals with grace and confidence. Being a trauma-informed certified coach allows me to help you get to the root of the behaviors you desire to change while understanding that trauma is not a disorder, but an adaptive. Trauma is what happened to you, it’s not who you are. I have survived abuse, divorce, the death of a child and so much more in this journey called life. I don’t just preach about healing through mindset, I’ve actually lived it.

Dream it

If you can dream it you can achieve it. I help you to discover, address, and recover from mindset barriers that are holding you back. As a passionate believer in the power of mindset coaching, I am committed to unlocking the true potential of your aspirations. Embark on this transformative journey with me today and watch your dreams soar to reality.

Achieve it

I believe in the power of transformation. I don't just offer guidance; I provide a unique, spiritually grounded path to healing. I strive to nurture a mindset focused on growth and fulfillment it's more than simply achieving goals. It's a journey of self-discovery and life transformation that aligns with your core beliefs. I am here to support you in rewriting your story, one goal at a time.

  • Needs Analysis: I get to know your unique goals and challenges, enabling a personalized coaching plan.

  • Two-way Understanding: This isn't just about me knowing you, but also about you understanding our coaching philosophy, making for a successful partnership.

  • Seeking Clarity: Not sure of your path? This is a safe space for exploration and finding clarity.

  • Expectation Setting: Get a clear picture of what to expect from your coaching journey, including methodologies and approaches.

  • Goal Alignment: The strategy session ensures our coaching style and values align perfectly with your needs.

Working with me:


How can coaching help you?

Coaching can support you in various areas, such as overcoming personal obstacles, enhancing self-awareness, improving relationships, overcoming trauma, and fostering spiritual growth. I aim to provide you with tools and strategies to navigate life's challenges and reach your personal goals.

What is your coaching style?

My coaching style is mindset, trauma-informed coaching. I focus on helping clients to identify barriers and roadblocks in their lives by evaluating their beliefs and behaviors. My approach is rooted in Romans 8:5 “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” While I am a certified Christian life coach, I evaluate where you are spiritually in life and coach according to where you feel your relationship with God is at currently. 

How long does each coaching session last?

Typically each weekly coaching session lasts about an hour. However, the duration can be adjusted based on individual needs and preferences.

How do you work with clients to set goals?

I work with clients to set goals by helping them identify and overcome limiting beliefs, develop a positive mindset, and establish clear, achievable objectives.

How do you hold clients accountable for meeting their goals?

I hold clients accountable for meeting their goals by establishing specific accountability measures, such as progress reports or action steps between coaching sessions. These measures help clients to stay on track and make progress toward their goals. I also provide ongoing support and guidance to help clients overcome any challenges or roadblocks that may arise. 

What happens if clients need additional help between coaching sessions?

If clients need additional help between coaching sessions, they are welcome to contact me via email (latonyalhowell@gmail.com. I will do my best to respond to their needs promptly. I encourage clients to discuss their needs with me to determine the best course of action.

Is everything discussed in the coaching sessions confidential?

Yes, everything discussed in our coaching sessions is confidential. I adhere to a strict code of ethics and respect the privacy of our clients.

How much does your coaching service cost?

The cost of my coaching services varies based on individual needs and the frequency of sessions. My packages can be customized to fit the needs and budgets of my clients. I encourage you to contact me for more pricing information. Payment plans are also available..

What happens if a client repeatedly fails to follow through on agreed-upon action steps? 

If a client repeatedly fails to follow through on agreed-upon action steps, I will work with them to identify any challenges or roadblocks hindering their progress. We may need to adjust the action steps or coaching plan to meet the client's needs better and support their success.  Clients must be open and honest with me about any challenges they face so we can work together to find a solution. I understand that progress is not always a straight line and that setbacks are a normal part of the process. However, it is important for clients to be proactive in taking steps toward their goals and to communicate with me about any issues that may arise. Together, we can work to overcome any challenges and stay on track toward success.    

How do you handle difficult conversations or challenges with clients?

I handle difficult conversations or challenges with clients by first creating a safe and open space for dialogue. I actively listen to their concerns, seek to understand their perspective, and acknowledge their feelings. I then work collaboratively with the client to explore potential solutions, encouraging self-reflection and empowering them to take ownership of the process. 

Under what circumstances might you end a coaching relationship? 

There are several circumstances under which I may decide to end a coaching relationship. Some reasons may include the following: 

  • The client has achieved their coaching goals and no longer needs coaching support. 

  • The client is not making progress toward their goals despite my efforts.

  • The client is not meeting their financial obligations or is otherwise in violation of the coaching agreement.

  • The client needs to be referred to a mental health professional.

  • The client or I decide that the coaching relationship is not a good fit.

  • The client and I need to have open and honest communication about the status of the coaching relationship. If I decide to end the relationship, I will do so professionally and respectfully and provide the client with any necessary resources or referrals as needed.

What is your cancellation policy? 

My cancellation policy is a minimum 24-hour notice. I understand that life can be unpredictable and that sometimes unexpected events arise. However, I also want to respect my own time and schedule and the time of my other clients.